Monday, March 14, 2011

Flowers for Nana - Monday's Child #37

I have a secret garden
Where the wildflowers grow
Baby Blue Eyes and Forget-Me-Nots
Are some of the flowers I know

Snap Dragons and Shasta Daisies
“She loves me, she loves me not”
Sweet Alyssum and Blue Bells
Grow in this secret spot

I’ll fill my wicker basket
With kisses and rainbow showers
I’ll take them to my Nana’s house
 This basket of pretty flowers

Knock, knock!
“Nana, Nana - where are you?”
(There's no answer at the door)
"I guess that she's gone out today
So I'll come back tomorrow."

I leave her with my basket full
of Baby Blue Eyes and Forget-Me-Nots
These flowers from the secret garden
The garden of my heart.


  1. I love this Sherry. Very cute. Love how inserted some of my favorite garden flowers.

  2. flowers always had been a child' favorite.. loved this cute poem!

  3. How tender and lovely..a child's generousity, so pure!!
